We know many of you have the Tomica Limited Vintage Nissan IDx Nismo and BMW 318i headed your way. For some of you that will be your first TLV, and we can assure that you will not be disappointed. We have them coming to us as well, and you can bet First Looks will be up on Lamley as soon as we have them.
But there are a lot of TLV out there that we know you will enjoy having. Of course they can be pricey, but they are worth it. Newer models are much cheaper at first, but inevitably rise in value as time moves on. That is why we will continue to update our readers on new TLV releases, so you can get them while they are cheaper. And there are a lot of great things coming, including the 4-door and police BMW E30s, Isuzu 117, and Datsun 510 Police.
This is why we have partnered with Japan Booster. They are able to get a lot of the new models like the IDx and BMW, and price them cheaper than anyone else on ebay. Plus the free shipping on orders over $50 helps a lot, especially for collectors here in the US. But they are also able to get their hands on older models that are extremely hard to find, like the Toyota Corolla, Datsun 510 Wagon, and the amazing Super Silhouettes. They can be found here:
Japan Booster Tomica Limited Vintage ebay store
We are constantly in contact with Akiro-san at Japan Booster, and he asks us all the time what new collectors to TLV might be interested in. Once we give our thoughts, he goes out and gets them, and makes them available at his store. So if there are TLV models you would like to get, just let us know, and we will pass it on to him.
With that in mind, here are some of the new items just added:
TLV Mercedes-Benz 190E (4 colors)
TLV Audi 80 Quattro
TLV Nissan Fairlady Z (5 different versions)
TLV Toyota Corolla 1500GL (very hard-to-find, 2 colors)
Nissan Skyline 2000RS Turbo
Toyota Land Cruiser (4 versions)
Nissan Skyline Super Sihouette (rare old wheels version)
And as always, the newer models are still in stock, like the Nissan IDx and BMW's.
You can find all those at the link below:
Japan Booster Tomica Limited Vintage ebay store
We will be showcasing many of these models in the coming weeks, and as always they are phenomenal. Don't miss out. TLV are the most worthwhile models to collect in 1:64...