As is the Custom: Our faves for the week ending July 5, 2014...

Another week of great customs.  Enjoy...

@smallcarspecialties - Instagram

Daniel Hew

Alfred Lam Hc

Balázs Kisgyörgy

@JLDCO - Instagram

Nicholaus Tamboto

Corey Ambrose

@ragingduck - Instagram

Safwan Kamarudin

@rikkshady - Instagram

@satwikanarendra - Instagram

@ameerude - Instagram

@hw_by_panda23 - Instagram

@5pudly - Instagram

@diecast_zombeaz - Instagram

@gooberspad - Instagram

Qayyum Advan


@artflores_8405 - Instagram

Brian Mollison


Z Rahman Milky

Floriano Jr Gajo

@lil305garage - Instagram

@swipe_custom_hw - Instagram

@kennpot - Instagram

@polak_r32 - Instagram

@hwc_sweden - Instagram

gr8_mini - Instagram

@Robscalicustoms - Instagram

@mohdozil - Instagram


Jong's Customs

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