Our friends at Japan Booster emailed us late last night to let us know they are in, and are now listed in their eBay store. You can find both here at this link:
Tomica Limited Vintage BMW 318i Coupe at Japan Booster
TLV rarely deviate from their Japanese roots, but when they do, they know how to pick them. We have seen Audis, Mercedes, VW Golf, and most notably the Porsche 911 previously released, and now one of the most well-known and beloved BMW's joins the ranks.
These are the first of four to be released this summer. The 4-door version will be released soon, and there are rumors of a police version later this year. We will wait and see. Nonetheless we have ordered both of these from Japan Booster, and will be giving both the First Look treatment once they arrive.
And remember, Japan Booster offers FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the world on any order over $50. Buying these two won't get you to $50, but if you missed out on the quick sell-out of the IDx Nismo yesterday, more have just been listed. We are told that this price won't last too much longer, so grab the Nismo and ID while you can. They can both be found at the link below:
Tomica Limited Vintage Nissan IDx Nismo & Freeflow at Japan Booster
Both the BMW and IDx are great introductions to Tomica Limited Vintage, and are thrilled to see so many of you jumping on the train. You will not be disappointed...