The Leftovers: This week's finds, variations, and other models that didn't make the cut...

Week 2 of the Leftovers.  I think last week there was more to show, especially with my first Super find since before Christmas.  This week most of my finds came towards the end, as my schedule was quite busy and did not permit me to hit a lot of stores earlier.  I still did pretty well.

On Friday I found myself near a couple of Walmarts that I normally don't visit, so I had a look.  I am glad I did.

Both stores had pretty picked-over Bins of Death, and you could tell by the condition of the cards that these bins had been thoroughly picked over by quite a few hands.  So how they missed these two errors is beyond me:

No-side-tampos Classic Batmobile:

All-small-wheels Nova Wagon:

The no-side-tampo Batmobile stuck out like a sore thumb.  It is a very unique find, and one you would think would have been discovered by the Hunt-seekers.  But alas, they might have been a little too focused on finding Hunts.  The all-small-wheels Nova Wagon could be a little harder to spot, but luckily it was hanging out on the top of the pile and I was able to see it right away.

That second Walmart also yielded the next batch of Retro Entertainment:

Lastly, a First Look that I never got to, the blue Subaru WRX STI, with both wheel variations.  I think both the 10sp and MC5 will be fairly common.  10sp is the early run and MC5 the later.

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