But we at the Lamley Group have finally gotten a chance to shoot the new TH, and we call it a First Look if it is a model that is yet to be found on the pegs. And outside of all of that, I haven't been more excited for a TH, uh, well, maybe ever. This is one of my favorite Hot Wheels castings, and a very deserving model to get the TH treatment.
So, enough talk, enjoy the pics:
Hot Wheels Ferrari 599XX Super Treasure Hunt
Have I mentioned before that it is quite liberating to open a Super Treasure Hunt? I have? Oh well, try it sometime.
I know these wheels are not everyone's favorite premium wheels, but considering they are patterned after the Ferrari star rim, they work very well here. I don't know if HW makes a wheel at this point that would work better. A flush 10-spoke wheel would be a good idea to take to the HW drawing board for the future.
Here it is with its basic counterpart:
And while we are here, why not pics of all the other versions of the popular casting, which debuted in the Speed Machines line a couple of years ago. Hot Wheels treated us to four versions:
Can you tell which of the Speed Machine version I like the best? (Hint - they have the most photos.)
No word on a basic recolor, but let's hope we get one. This is definitely a "more-the-merrier" casting...
Remember to bookmark us and visit daily, as more First Looks are coming...