Lamley Group Model of the Day: HW Ferrari 250 GTO

I was trying to do a Model of the Week, but I plain didn't like doing it.  I think it is more fun to pull one model a day and give it a profile.  Photos and design are primary components of the Lamley blog, so lets show a little variety.  So remember to follow us here, or like us on Facebook to get the daily updates!!

Considering a real version of this model just sold for $35,000,000 (it is more fun to show the zeros in the number), why not make the inaugural Model of the Day the HW Ferrari 250 GTO.  I would have put my name in the hat for the real car that just sold, but I was $34,999,999 short.  At least the $1 I had bought me a smaller version, shown here:

Hot Wheels Ferrari 250 GTO:

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