We interrupt the regular scheduled Hot Wheels First Looks with another jump across the sea to Japan. Or Germany. Call it a Tomica, it's Japanese. Call it a Mercedes, it's German.
Another basic Tomica model that I am sure will get mixed reviews from our readers. This is an exception to the rule I keep with Tomica. I normally want just Japanese cars done by Tomica. They tend to do many Japanese cars that you just won't see anywhere else, and I want those. I got this one mainly because there just aren't that many diecast examples out there. Of course, those that are willing to play by the licensing rules Mercedes has set forth can do this one. So we have a Greenlight version
But the Tomica version is great too. Yes the wheels don't look great at certain angles, but the body looks pretty spot on. The A pillars are a little thick, but that allows the gullwing doors to open, and that is a cool thing.
Tomica growing on you? Check out Daboxtoys Model Cars (DMC) to see many Tomica basics and Limiteds for sale...
Tomica Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG: