Is there any year that has produced more classic American muscle cars? Has anyone ever researched what year has been replicated by Hot Wheels the most? I would imagine 1969
Here is another 1969er. I have admitted before, and will admit again, that my muscle car knowledge is weak at best. So, like many other models before it, Hot Wheels version has taken me to the web to learn more about the car. That is one of the great joys of collecting. You learn more the more you collect.
There is a very interesting thread on HWC that started a couple of days ago. A collector's idea about an all-classic Japanese car subset started a muscle vs. everything else discussion. It of course quickly took the usual "those cars will be pegwarmers around here" argument on both sides, which of course makes no sense. Instead of fighting about what would be more or less popular, we should enjoy the fact that names like Torino
Hot Wheels '69 Mercury Cyclone (2012 New Models):