Model of the Day: Hot Wheels 2010 5-pack Ferrari 612 Scaglietti...

A favorite Hot Wheels tradition? Seeing what models they put in the Ferrari 5-pack each year, and then finding said models.

The relationship Hot Wheels has had with Ferrari can only be described as "fruitful". It seems there is at least one New Model each year, there are several in the basic range, and even a few in the premium range. That is a good thing, especially since most of the Ferrari castings Hot Wheels has done of late have been quite nice.

Yet, the 2012 5-pack didn't do it for me. I didn't like the nostalgic wheels on the 308, and wasn't too excited about the choice of castings. But others loved it, so I can safely say that I am sure I will like the 2013 version. Maybe we see an Italia, or an FF, or even that fabulous 599XX. Lots of possibilities. Of course once they do release it I will show it off here.

Now the 2010 pack? Loved it. Any time you get three models you collect, that is a good 5-pack. And this one had the California, 250 GTO, and the 612 Scaglietti.

Now the Scaglietti is not my favorite Ferrari. Far from it in fact. The car itself is a bit bland and it did not take long for it to look dated. But I like it for the doors it opened at Ferrari, and now we have the FF, which is a far better take on the large tourer, and even the 599 replacement, the spectacular F12 Berlinetta. (Could it be a 2013 New Model? Mr. Hot Wheels, give us the F12 and a BRZ/FS-R and I will be very happy...)

Man, I need to get to the point. Tangent City! Sorry.

Ok, I like the Scaglietti casting.  There are only three versions. One from the Ferrari Racers, one from the Speed Machines (and part of a very short run), and this one from the 5-pack. We could use a couple more, but I'm not complaining.

Find a Scaglietti...

Hot Wheels Ferrari 612 Scaglietti (2010 Ferrari 5-pack):

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