Let's cap off Gathering Week and Matchbox Monday with the final Matchbox Ambassador report from Shabbir Malik...

It has been a wild week, with new Hot Wheels to preview (we are not done), a family funeral, a rapid three-day jaunt to Albuquerque that involved almost 20 hours of driving, and an EXCELLENT Gathering.

As always, Jim Gallegos pulled it off flawlessly, the Mattel team was there and totally accessible, we battled each other for auction items, and a good time had by all.  Oh, and I walked away with some strange framed certificate that I will talk about in a later post.

But you don't have to take my word for it.  Why don't you hear it from the outgoing Matchbox Ambassador, Shabbir Malik.  A link to the report he posted on his website is below:

Some things to look forward to as you read the report:

Shabbir's report:


Thanks Shabbir for a fantastic year.  With the brand heading in some new directions, it was not easy to handle the onslaught of questions and comments that Shabbir got from collectors, myself included.  I thought he handled flawlessly.  Enjoy that bus!
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