First Look: Hot Wheels Angry Birds "Red Bird"...

After the whirlwind week last week, dominated by the orange brand (and a few Japanese brands, but we will get to that later), let's jump back to the blue brand for a bit.  Like I said last week, in the middle of Gathering prep, HW dumped a brand new batch on us, and there are some fantastic (and somewhat intriguing) models in the batch.

Fantastic?  The Beetle.  The Ferrari recolor.  The Focus RS.  The Falcon (coming).  The Mad Manga recolor (coming).

Intriguing?  The Mystery Machine (coming).  The one below:

Yes, I have played Angry Birds.  All versions of the game are on my iPhone and iPad.  I enjoy them when I play them.  I wish I invented the game.  I think in a few years we will all enjoy looking back on the Angry Birds craze, and enjoy reminiscing about the band aids, vitamins, and all the other gadgets and gizmos plastered with unhappy legless birds and evil pig heads.  I think the Hot Wheels version is cute.  I don't think it will join the collection.  I think recolors will be hard, but I also think Hot Wheels will find a way.  I think I am done with static sentences for now.

Wait.  I think you should go to Wheel Collectors and buy it.  Or buy other models from batch P.

I have the Angry Birds tune in my head.

I will shut up now.  Here are the pics:

Hot Wheels Red Bird (2012 New Models):

Pig's view:

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