If you are a Lamley reader, we assume that your passion for this hobby revolves around the real cars these mini cars mimic. But if you are honest, a small reason we collect is that excitement that revolves around either that random lucky find, or anticipating and finally opening that parcel full of goodies.
That is one of the reasons we document our random Hot Wheels Super TH finds, as well as why we like doing case reports. Yes, finding out what is in a case is interesting and helpful, but you know you want to see if we pull a Super. So do we. That is also why those unboxing videos on youtube are so popular. Obviously you are not watching those videos to see what color dirt the host has in his fingernails.
Nonetheless, as much as enjoy those lucky finds, we also love those moments when you open a box you have been anticipating for awhile. And today, one of those boxes came. And we thought we would document it here.
This box came from none other than Japan Booster. Not a big surprise I reckon. We have admittedly been on a massive Tomica Limited Vintage kick, partly because we found a seller who has great prices, great shipping rates (nothing beats free), and a fantastic selection of new and older models. You can check out their store here:
Japan Booster ebay store
So when the Nissan IDx Nismo was stocked, we had a little fun. And without further ado, here is what we pulled from the package that arrived today:
Waiting for me when I got home (don't ask me why a wad of cash is on the side table next to the Eames Bird. I think I need to have a chat with one of my daughters):
Here is where we should mention that Japan Booster package up the goods as well as anyone. Everything individually wrapped, and each standard TLV box comes in its own protecto.
To start, Volumes 1, 8, 10, and 11 from the Seibu Keisatsu series. We have featured one model from this series before, which is a series of replicas from the Japanese TV cop show Seibu Keisatsu, famous for its car chases and over-the-top destruction of Nissan after Nissan.
Set 01, two Nissan Cedrics that were destroyed in the show:
Volume 08, Nissan Gloria and Laurel police cars that were destroyed in the show:
Volume 10, Nissan Cedric/Gloria marked and unmarked police cars that were destroyed in the show:
Volume 11, a Nissan 260Z that was destroyed in the show:
Next up, the rest of the models housed in a TLV display box. (Oh, to find that on Walmart's shelves. We can only dream.)
First up, the brand new BMW 318i in both red and blue. Look for a First Look later this week:
A model I have had my eye on for awhile, the Suzuki Alto G and L-type:
And lastly, the gem of this box, the absolutely mind-blowing Nissan IDx Nismo. Even better in person. And if can shoot it tonight, First Look tomorrow:
All in all, a pretty damn nice box of goodies:
Yes, you will see all those in their unboxed glory soon. For now, you can share in our excitement with these. I am sure a few of you are opening your IDx's today as well. If not, you should go grab one
And in case you wondering, our next box from Japan Booster is already on its way. We will ramp up the anticipation again...