Just Unveiled: Matchbox Gathering Dinner and Early-Registrant exclusive Toyota Tacoma...

Just a few minutes ago the cat was let out of the bag, and we can finally show the 2014 Matchbox Gathering Dinner Model, the Toyota Tacoma.  Because time is short, here are a couple of pics to let you see how great the model is, and look for a full showcase next week.

Keep in mind there are two models.  The actual Dinner Model, and the Early Registrant Variant.  The first model is the Dinner Model.

The second model is the Early Registrant variant, with only 75 produced for the first 75 attendees to register.  You can see the difference between the two is on the hood and roof.

There are several stories behind this dinner model, including Lamley's involvement in its design.  We are very proud to see the design idea we threw out at Mattel, an homage to classic Toyotas, included in the model.  We will give you the full story when we give it First Look treatment next week.

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