At the Matchbox Gathering: Close-ups of the Mattel-donated preproduction models...

A quick check-in from the Matchbox Gathering.

Time has been spent shopping (an epic Tomica Limited Vintage shopping spree to say the least), browsing all kinds of goodies, and photographing, photographing, and photographing.

The two Dinner models produced by Mattel have been photographed, and they will be unveiled here on Lamley after they are unveiled at the dinner.  The Dealer model has also been photographed, and we will unveil that as well, as soon as we get the go-ahead.

And I just finished photographing all the 2015 and late 2014 items that Mattel brought with them for tonight's presentation.  Those will be part of Nigel Cooper's final Ambassador Report, coming a little later.  We will just say that a good number of these put a nice big smile on my face.

So lot's of exciting things to come.  And make sure you are following the Gathering Instagram page to see what else is going on.

For now, here are all the Mattel-donated preproduction models that will be bid on as part of the Rachel's Courtyard charity auction following the dinner tonight.  There are some real gem's here, including unique pieces like the Tacoma, A100, Mack B, and Karmann Ghia.  Note little details like Hot Wheels wheels on the Ghia, the A100 with a slightly different Dodge logo on the rear (and none on the front), among many others.  

There will be some lucky collectors that snag these tonight, but they will be shelling out some dough.  It will be fun to watch (and maybe participate).

Enjoy the pics, and we will check in later...

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