Just Released: Tomica Limited Vintage BMW 325i 4-door in both black & white are now available at Japan Booster...

I have settled in to my hotel room here in Albuquerque for the Matchbox Gathering, ready to get my orange on.  The drive was long (9+ hours), and I have spent the last hour photographing auction prepros from Mattel and the Gathering Exclusives. (Wait until you see them.  Unveiling is Saturday night.)  It is now time to turn in and get some rest before hitting all the in-room trading later.

But before I do, it is necessary to put Matchbox aside for a couple of minutes to pass on the news I just got from Japan Booster.  The brand-new BMW 325i 4-door from Tomica Limited Vintage is now out, and it is available at the Japan Booster ebay store.

The 325i accompanies the 318i 2-door that was released by TLV last month.  I guess I will need to withhold judgement once I get them, but I think I might like the 4-door even more than the 2-door, especially in black.  But let's wait and see.  Ours are on their way.

In the meantime, head over to Japan Booster to grab on or both.  They are offering them separately or as a 2-car lot, and you can add one of the brand-new Daihatsu Midgets to get the total over $50 and qualify for free shipping.  Go grab them while you can:

TLV at Japan Booster

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