Can we get to 2000 Facebook Likes by the end of February? If so, some collectors will be very happy...

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has helped the Lamley Group grow so much these last few months.  Between the blog and our Facebook Page, we have been able to create a nice little community of collectors from all over the world. 

We have become a prime destination for variation collectors, customizers, gearheads of all kinds, as well as many others, and we could not be happier about it.  And we want to continue to get the word out.

We just hit 1700 Likes on Facebook today, and we want to keep growing.  So I am throwing out a little challenge.  We hope we can get to 2000 Likes by the end of February, and to help we are going to give a few things away...

So for every milestone we hit in February, I will throw up a post on Facebook that if you Like will automatically put you in a drawing for that prize.  It is that easy.  All you have to do is be one of our friends on Facebook, and make sure your friends are too.

So to start, we are going to give something away today.  Look for a post on Facebook shortly, and if you like it, you could win a carded Hot Wheels Retro Entertainment Mystery Machine.

And here is what else we will give away:

At 1800 Likes in Feb - Hot Wheels Retro Entertainment Ghostbusters Ecto-1 (carded).

At 1900 Likes in Feb - Hot Wheels Racing James Garner COPO Corvette (carded).

At 2000 Likes in Feb - ???? 

The 2000 Likes prize is a secret, but I PROMISE it will make someone VERY happy.  Let's just say it is Super cool and will be a collector favorite in 2013...

And remember, we are only giving these prizes away if we hit these milestones in February.

So get your collector friends to follow this link and Like us there.  I hope we get to the 2000 Likes prize because it is going to be a blast giving it away...

Good luck and lets get those Likes in...
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