Lamley Awards: Reader's Choice for Worst Regular Treasure Hunt of 2013...

Before we announce the winners, I would refer you to this post to explain our feelings about the Regular Treasure Hunts.

They are not for us, and if it is not a casting you collect, you should leave them for the lucky kids that find them.

Ok, with that said, we still asked for your choice as Worst Regular TH of 2013.

And you voted, and a Top 3 (or Bottom 3, depending how you look at it) emerged.  The funny thing? We don't have any of the three, so we had to borrow images from South Texas.

Without further ado, your choice for Worst TH of 2013, with 28% of the vote, is:

Bad to the Blade

To be honest, I am a little surprised this one won.  You know, with this one that took #2 with 21% of the vote:

Sting Rod II

C'mon, that is a terrible model.  Ok, so is the Bad to the Blade, but at least there is a kind of Gulf theme there.  Until this year's Fangster, the Sting Rod was the most pegwarming of the Hunts.

Lastly, there was this one, with 16%:


The funny thing?  The Lincoln Continental got 8% of the vote, the Prototype H-24 got 7%, and then no other model surpassed 3%.  These three were clearly loathed by the collectors (so leave them!), and it wasn't close.

I don't think we have to explain why these were not liked, especially since there were some really nice Regulars in 2013, like the Challenger and RX-7.  The really interesting vote will be for the 2014 Best and Worst, as Mattel has clearly run with the "Silly Rabbit, Regs are for Kids!" angle.

For that reason, we at Lamley are not going to pick a Worst for 2013.  We will let the readers speak on this one...

Case closed.
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