A quick update on three Lamley posts from this week...
Flying Customs Nissan Skyline Interior Variation:
After our post this morning, many of you have let us know what you have. So far, we cannot tell if one is more rare than the other. It looked like the earlier-produced models (F22) were the racing interior and the later (F28) were the standard. That is until our friend Rick let us know that he has both variations with the base code F28.
Our friends at Wheel Collectors will count theirs tomorrow to see how many of each they have. I would grab them now while they are Lamley Deals of the Week
Hot Wheels SEMA exclusive Ford Transit and Rip Rod:
We were wondering when this set that was shown at Ford's release of the new Ford Transit Connect would show up on ebay or with attendees at SEMA. There is a good reason why we haven't.
From HW designer Steve Vandervate via HWC:
That set is a one-off hand-painted 1:64 display model. We didn't do product for this year's show.So it is a one-off. Hopefully there is a mold for that Transit Connect, and we will see it soon...
For those who can understand what does in to something like this, glad you do, and glad you like it. I'll let the team know.
Matchbox 60th Anniversary International Workstar Brush Fire Truck:
We wanted to know why a few Brush Fire Trucks had appeared on ebay in the last few days. They did in fact come from several Mattel Store locations. Some lucky buyers were able to buy a few, and now they are on ebay.
We thought that would be the ultimate fate of the Brush Truck, but it appears Mattel still has plans for it. From Lamley reader Ben:
I just got back from the Mattel store in Fort Worth and thought I'd share a story with you. I saw your post about the International brush truck at the Mattel store and thought I'd check if mine got them in too. They are having a warehouse sale for Christmas so the warehouse is open to walk around. I saw a full pallet of boxes of the brush truck, with one box open to know that's what it was. Next to it was a small dump bin with a sign that said "Brush Truck, $2.79". I figured they were getting ready to put them out so I asked someone. They checked with someone and they said sure go ahead and sell them. I asked how many I could take and they said 5 boxes of 10. Right as I am getting to the register the warehouse worker came up telling me to stop. They got a memo saying they couldn't be sold after all. They said they were told on Friday to put them on the floor but hadn't done it yet, and this morning the memo said they had to be shipped back. She said Toys R Us decided they wanted them back after all and had to be shipped back. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but maybe that means there's still hope for everyone else, although I was rather disappointed to get so close and not get them.A terribly frustrating story, but it appears we still don't know where these will appear. At least you know you can get one now via ebay. Here is the link:
Matchbox 60th Anniversary Brush Fire Truck
We bought two, and they just arrived. A stunning model in beautiful packaging. Look for a First Look on Lamley early next week...