Corvettes here, Corvettes there, Corvettes everywhere...
Glad I am starting to like them more, because there has surely been a campaign waged to get me to change my mind about them. I have talked about my slow but sure shift towards liking Corvettes, especially those of the last 2-3 decades, so I won't bore you again. But no matter how much the newer Corvettes are growing on me, they will never surpass the Vettes of the 50's, 60's, and 70's.
Unless we are talking about Hot Wheels castings.
Hot Wheels has released two more Corvettes in the final (for good) batch of Boulevards. One, a '63 Stingray paying homage to Bob Bondurant's #614, and a Corvette C6R in what appears to be a generic racing livery (although it might be based on some racing deco). While doing the 614 was a great choice (and Hot Wheels has done it before), this 63 Vette casting is one that should probably be retired. The Wheels wells are too large, too narrow, and the casting just doesn't sit on par with the more recent classic Corvette castings. At least the design works.
On the other hand, the C6R continues its run as one of the best HW Corvette castings, especially of the current C6 body type. And once again, it looks great.
In the near future, we will get into the sadness that we can't get over as the Boulevard line comes to an end, but this final batch is definitely taking it out on a high note. We will preview the others shortly.
For now, enjoy the Vettes...
And find them and all the latest Boulevard at Wheel Collectors
Hot Wheels '63 Corvette & Corvette C6R (2013 Boulevard):