First Look: Hot Wheels '70 Camaro & '64 Stingray Corvette...

We still have a few more models to show from Batch C, so look for two now and two later this afternoon.  With Batch B just hitting stores in the last couple of weeks, I figured it would be awhile before we see Batch C in stores.  Alas, I wandered into Target today and was shocked to see it hanging on the pegs.

So as this batch hits, here are a couple more to look for.  We will get to the Vette in minute, but the highlight of this post is this very dapper jet black Camaro.  The '70 Camaro loses its "Road Race" description, takes off its work clothes and goes a little civilian, albeit formal.  There is no denying this casting is plain purty.

I have to give this casting a lot of credit.  I have said in the past, whether here or elsewhere, that to me the greatness of the Camaro ended in 1969 and started up again in 2010 with the new Camaro.  I have gone on to say that Chevrolet would do some good by completely denying the existence of the Camaro in the years between.  I am slowly moving away from that opinion, although I don't know what kind of miracle it will take for me to grow even slightly fond of the 90's and early 2000's Camaros.  They ain't got no alibi.

But thanks to the Road Race Camaro, designed by our good buddy Dave Weise, currently design manager at Matchbox, I have softened to the early 70's Camaro.  Actually not softened, but really started to like the 70's Camaro.  And it took some time.

The first version of the Camaro, in HW Racing livery, actually covered up the fantastic lines of the casting.  It was not until the 2012 versions in that the sleek details came out to play (and making a Super Treasure Hunt helped a bit as well).  And now you have this one, black with a bright retro deco.  I dig.

This is also part of the "Then and Now" subseries, and some of you have seen the 2010 Camaro SS in a similar deco (not to be confused with the 2010 Camaro SS Police Treasure Hunt).  We don't have the "now" version, but will obviously compare the two when we get it.  I love the idea of the "Then and Now" series, and it is bound to be a good one.

Hot Wheels '70 Camaro (2013 Basic - Then and Now):

And then there is the '64 Stingray.  As you have probably noticed, we will see our share of Corvettes in the 2013 lineup due to its Anniversary celebration.  Here is one that has never been in the basic range.  The '64 Stingray was introduced in the Since 68 series, briefly visited the Connect Cars deal, and looked nice as a Valentine car last year.  And now it finally has its day. 

I will be honest.  I mix these 60's era Corvettes up all the time.  I honestly don't know how many versions there are, but some have large rear wheels, some are convertibles, some have wheel wells that are way too large.  It gets confusing.  I don't own any of them, so I have nothing to compare them too.

But this is the first 60's era Corvette done by Hot Wheels that grabbed my attention.  Maybe it is the low stance.  I have no idea.  But it looks good. 

Hot Wheels '64 Corvette Stingray (2013 Basic):

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