Model of the Day: Tomica Limited Nissan GT-R SpecV in black...

I remember several years ago posting a question on MCCH asking what was so appealing about Tomica.  I was almost exclusively a Matchbox collector with a dabble here and there with Hot Wheels, but Tomica was way off my radar.

I saw so many people on MCCH going gaga over the newest Tomica, and wondered why.  What I saw were a plethora of models that looked like they sat too high, had wheels that were too small, and generally didn't look the part.

When I asked the question, I got a variety of answers.  Moving parts.  Weight.  Variety.  The answer that intrigued me the most was that what appealed so much about Tomica was that the models were...Tomica.  What I gather that means is consistency, but also that once you get it, you get it.  Finally, I am really starting to get it.

Tomica knows what they are doing.  Every basic model they do has that Tomica charm, and it does grow on you.  Since I have started showing Tomica here on the blog, I have gotten responses from those that love the models, like I do now, and those that wonder what the big deal is about, like I was a few years ago.  I can sympathize with both sides.

But I will say this.  If you wonder what Tomica is capable of, look at two things.  One, ignore the wheels on any basic model and look at the body.  It is almost always spot on.  Two, have a gander at the Tomica Limited and Limited Vintage (TLV) lines.  I don't think 1:64 gets any better.  Soon, I will show the TLV Skyline Wagon.  It is just plain incredible.

But now, how about the Tomica Limited Nissan GT-R SpecV?  You don't have to like Tomica, but I think you can appreciate how nice this model is.

And remember, you can find many of these models at Daboxtoys Model Cars, where Felix is offering a 7.5% discount to any Lamley follower.  Just use the promo code "Lamley".

Or find more Tomica Limited here...

Tomica Limited Nissan GT-R SpecV:

With its Tomica basic counterpart:

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