Matchbox Monday First Look: 1968 Ford Mustang GT CS...

Matchbox Monday again, and we start with a model that has appeared on US and Australian pegs in the last couple of weeks.

This is one of only five recolors that Matchbox is doing this year.  It is no surprise the chose the Mustang.  The casting is very popular, and it stands out in red.  I am surprised it took a couple of years to release a red version.

And I agree with many Matchbox collectors that I have talked to that this may be the best of all the many Mustangs Matchbox has done.  It is a long legacy, but this one is just fantastic.  As frustrated as some are with the overall direction the brand has taken, I think that most would agree that casting-wise no brand can do a $1 stock version of a car better than Matchbox.  Right now I think we all wish there were more of them in the current lineup.

Matchbox Mustangs for sale...

Matchbox 1968 Ford Mustang GT CS (2012 basic range recolor):

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