As is the Custom: My faves from the week of August 18, 2012...

Sorry, a little late as I took a break today.

But as always, the amazing custom work I came across this week.

And remember, if you want to submit some of your work, email us at

First, a set of customs from our Lamley partner Wheel Collectors, and they are available for purchase:

Nicholas Cheong - HWC Malaysia

Salam Aidilfitri - HWC Malaysia

DADzCUSTOMS - Japan (it is finished, and it is awesome.  one of my faves of the year):

Melvin - Malaysia:

lachian - Biante Australia:

Scale-Master (a Lamley contributer.  Look for more stuff from him next week.):

hideji - HWC (Japan):

And the custom of the week goes to the 67 Camaro/Mad Manga by HWC member hideji - Japan:

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