The Gathering is finally here and one more model to show: DLMer's view of the 2011 Gathering 1968 Ford Mustang GT CS...

Well the day has finally arrived.  The Gathering starts tonight.  Have I hyped this event a bit?  Yes.  Too much?  Probably.  But Matchbox will always be a big part of this blog, and this is the main event.  It will be fun covering many of the events over the next couple of days, none more important than what Mattel will present about 2013.  We will see what is planned for the 60th Anniversary line, if more cars will be in the lineup, how 2012 has performed, etc.  Considering all the opinions about the 2012 direction, this should be as interesting a presentation as we have seen.

And of course, in keeping with this series on Gathering models, The Lamley Group blog will be the first place to see the new exclusives.  If you follow us on Facebook, you will see the models within two minutes of the when the attendees do.  You can't beat that.

As this post hits, my hope is that I am somewhere between Moab, Utah and Farmington, New Mexico. If I am, I am making good time.  My two daughters should be in the car with me, and probably more excited than I am.  They love this annual trip.  Thursday is usually our day to arrive, after spending the night in Moab, but because of some events I need to be home for, early Friday is our departure time.

The route:

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Alright, on to the last of the past Gathering models we are showing this year.  You have seen it before.  In fact, if you have visited the blog at any point in the last month, you have seen a photo of it sitting right at the top as part of our Facebook promotion.

Remember, if you like us on Facebook you can win this model.  That is all you have to do.  So if you haven't, Like us, and tell your friends.  As soon as we hit 700 Likes we draw a winner.

Sorry, tangent.

Ok, back to the model.

I know of a few people that think this is the best Gathering model so far.  I can't argue with them.  I lean towards the Cadillac Sedan Deville, but this one is pretty awesome.  The Mustang GT CS (California Special) in racing deco is pretty much as cool as it gets.  And then add the fact that there is an early bird variation, and these were a treat to take home.  And they better have been, because this was the only model given away last year.  I hope that doesn't sound like a complaint, because it isn't, but after being spoiled with three models and a variation the last few years, it was only the Mustang and the variant.  But no worries, the model was just too cool to make anyone think of missing others.

Matchbox 1968 Ford Mustang GT CS (2011 Gathering Dinner Model and Early Bird variant):

Dinner (1 of 125):

Early Bird (1 of 75):

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