Have you ever wondered how far the DLM movement can go? Prepare yourself...

This model recently arrived at my house:

You may recognize some of what you see, but not all.  This is a preproduction #12 Ford GT in a sample package that Mattel used in 2003 to promote its upcoming Superfast line to vendors.  You can see the back has no barcode:

And that is pretty cool.  But what is REALLY cool about this item is the actual car.  The Ford GT in the package was never produced.  The model Mattel eventually produced matched the artwork on the card and box.  So this model is unique to this sample package, and is 1 of 2 or 3 produced.  And outside of that it is just plain fantastic looking.

But this item is not mine.  I purchased it for my Lamley partner, David Tilley.  I have hinted on this blog that DT is an epic DLMer, and anyone who knows him can confirm that.  He has caused literal gasps by opening all kinds of rarities, including items like this one.

And this one will suffer the same fate.  Since this model would be quietly freed when it eventually arrives at its new home in the UK, DT has given me permission to add some flair to its DLMing and open it at the upcoming Gathering.  I am sure Jim Gallegos will make sure emergency services are on hand in case any collectors can't take the cruelty, and we will be sure to document the whole thing in photos and post them here.  Maybe a warning for those with weak hearts will accompany it.

Yes, this extremely rare model, acquired for a hefty price, will be DLM'd.  Remember, I wasn't kidding when I stated that DT is the DLM king.  He will prove it once again...

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