Gathering First Look: Everett Marshall Charities Classic Seagrave Fire Engine...

One night in and we already have a model to show off.

The actual Gathering models will be revealed tomorrow night and Sunday morning, and they promise to be doozies, but here is a bonus beauty just revealed by collector Everett Marshall.

Every August Everett hosts a charity golf tournament to benefit his charity, which he created to help burn victims. Mattel got on board early and now produces a unique Code 1 emergency vehicle every year to help raise funds. They are always beautifully done.

But they may have all been upstaged by this year's model. One bonus of the The Gathering is that Everett reveals his charity model and makes them available to attendees here who want to buy them.

If helping with Everett's charity was not incentive enough, check this thing out...

(And if you are interested in helping Everett's Charity, or just want this model, you can contact him at  The model is $50, and Everett is always happy to accept a little extra donation...)

Matchbox Classic Seagrave Fire Engine (Everett Marshall Charities Exclusive):

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