It think it merits mention that the voting for the Diecast Hall of Fame is open for one more week. To get an idea of what this is all about, just follow the link below:
Diecast Hall of Fame
There are many good folks up for nomination in several categories, including Paul Biddle at the Toy Peddler and the always-interesting and good dude Mark Kasimoff at Race Grooves.
I do want to give a personal plug to a great friend who is up for nomination in the Intriguing Collectors category, Jim Gallegos. Jim has been a well-known Matchbox and diecast collector for some time, and the sheer size and variety of his collection is legendary. However his greatest contribution to the hobby has to be the MC International Gathering of Friends he puts on every July in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is the one show Matchbox has adopted as its own, and more than anything highlights Jim's desire to get collectors together. If you have not attended you should put it on your list. The Lamley Group will be there (my fifth in a row) and will report on all the goings on.
I have gotten to know Jim very well over the years and admire his willingness to bring people together and emphasize friendship over any other aspect of our hobby, not just through the Gathering but in many other ways. And I am not alone when it comes to that opinion. So head over to the Hall of Fame page and cast your vote, and give Gallegos a vote as well. You have a week!