First Look: Matchbox 1963 Mack B Fire Engine Everett Marshall Charities Exclusive...

To say we have a lot of Matchbox to get to is an understatement.  Gathering models, new models, late 2014 and 2015 previews, Nigel Cooper's final Ambassador Report, and Larry Scaduto's first.  That is a lot.  Not to mention new Tomica Limited Vintage BMW's on the way, as well as showcases of the TLV I brought home from Albuquerque.

We haven't even mentioned Hot Wheels, but never fear, an N Case Report is coming soon, and later this week we will be giving the Lamley Treatment to possibly the most highly anticipated Hot Wheels model of the year.  Lots and lots to do.

But back to the plethora of Matchbox.  Nigel Cooper's final report should come later today, so stay tuned.  It will highlight all the details from the Matchbox presentation last Saturday night, and will showcase the models coming in 2015.  So keep checking back.

For now we have a real beauty to showcase, and to let you know how to get one.  And a beauty with a heart, as the purpose of this model is to raise funds for burn victims as part of the Everett Marshall Charities fundraiser.

So before we get to the model, a little about Everett Marshall and his charity.  First off, among the Matchbox collecting population Everett is well-known.  His collection of Matchbox is among the most complete anywhere, and it is displayed for anyone to see:

We would imagine hours, if not days, could be spent at Everett's museum.  But that is Everett the collector.

More important is Everett the man.  Every year in August, Everett hosts a golf tournament to raise funds for Everett Marshall Charities, created to help burn victims.  Everett himself knows such perils, as he suffered significant burns and lost both his legs in an accident in 2006.  Since then, Everett has been raising money for those who have to deal with many of the same challenges.

And Matchbox is on board.  Every year, Matchbox creates an exclusive model and donates it to the charity to help raise funds.  The model is always emergency-related, always stunning, and is sold to tournament participants, as well as anyone else who would like to donate to the cause.  Some previous models:

And because the gold tournament falls only a few weeks after the Matchbox Gathering, Everett is able to bring several of the models with him to Albuquerque and sell to collectors who cannot attend the tournament.  And every year we seek Everett out to pick up a model.

This year was no exception, and we were able to return home with our Everett Marshall model.  And this one may be the prettiest yet.  When Matchbox announced the Mack B Fire Engine last year at the Gathering, Everett knew that was the model he wanted to be used for next year's tournament, and Matchbox obliged.  And the result is stunning.

The Mack B is just hitting the stores, but the cherry red version, while fantastic, pales in comparison to this black beauty.  The photos speak for themselves.

And if you want one, and we hope you do, all you have to do is email Everett at, finalize a way to pay him (paypal is best), and send him a $50 donation plus $5 to ship (unless you are overseas.  Everett will quote you a shipping price.).  We hope many of you grab one.  You won't be disappointed with the model at all, and you are helping a great cause.

If you need reasons to buy one, just look at the model:

Matchbox 1963 Mack B Fire Engine (2014 Everett Marshall Charities Exclusive):

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