A Complete Look: Hot Wheels Aston Martin DBS...

We have already done two posts today on the Hot Wheels Aston Martin DBS, so why not a third?

With the Retro Entertainment James Bond version in gunmetal grey hitting pegs soon, and the jet black Mystery model out in Europe and New Zealand, we thought we would give you an update on all versions and variations so far, in case you wanted them all.

Some are still easy to find, others pretty rare, but all together each version makes for a great model to collect.  Many you can find on ebay.

So without further ado, the Hot Wheels Aston Martin DBS, front first to most recent:

2010 New Models

2010 New Models with PR5 (rare)

2012 Faster Than Ever

2012 Faster Than Ever with 10-spokes (found in target holiday packs.  rare)

2012 Faster Than Ever recolor

2012 Faster Than Ever chrome trap-5 wheels (Found in 9-packs.  rare)

2012 Faster Than Ever recolor with 10sp (found in 9-packs.  rare)

2013 Mainline

2013 Mainline recolor

2014 Mystery Models

2014 Retro Entertainment

That is the list, but don't forget the variations:

So, who has them all?
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