April 21 Matchbox Ambassador Report, by Nigel Cooper...

Ambassador Report 35


Marcel Colijn has informed us that as from today British Pathe News now has a You Tube channel. It has more than 85,000 clips. Some of these include clips relating to Matchbox toys that have previously been unknown as they had remained in their archives. You may wish to look at:





With both the blue and orange sides of the aisle releasing some of the same licensed models (Panamera, for one and other Porsches as well), are there really two separate design teams developing separate versions of the SAME CAR? And, with all the explanations from the Matchbox team about the costs of the "tools" and the expense of adding one simple detail to basic models (any detail....like tampos for lights), is it economically rational to have TWO separate manufacturing processes and TWO separate molds/tools producing the same cars. I would hope we're not being duped and the Matchbox and HW models are actually made using the SAME tools!?

Your questions are bit conflicting. Yes we have two separate teams developing the same model such as this. While the manufacturing process is the same they are made in 2 separate countries. Both brands have different aesthetic and performance requirements. The orange and blue brands collaborate with each other on models such as this but both brands have different specifications so it requires two separate teams (already in place) that share information. We do not share tooling however. 

The Rolamatics were pretty clever in general without being too gimmicky and the added function didn't deteriorate anything aesthetically from the basic model as you sometimes get with extra features like that. I wonder how well a similar concept to Rolamatics would go down in this day and age if Mattel where to incorporate the idea into some of their current Utility/Emergency designs? I appreciate it's finding a way of doing it without adding too much cost on to the product but a spin-off series to replace the very retro Superfast range that we no longer have could work nicely ...

Food for thought.

Even though the 3D printer process has taken over from the old way of creating hand crafted prototypes do you happen to occasionally still create resin examples?

We use what works best.

That Ford Superlift Brush Truck is a home run. I always love the white/red combo. It is the nicest looking version yet. Just one question for the Matchbox team: in the line-up they gave for this year the Ford Superlift Brush is listed with man# 938 while the one that came out in 2012 was man# 837. Does that mean the casting's been modified and if so what's different with it?

Yes: this casting has been modified but it is very subtle. The rear bumper has now been added to the chassis instead of being part of the die cast body. You will have to look very closely to see this change.

We saw recent sneak peeks of the Dodge Charger Pursuit and now the BMW X5 with modified bodies to incorporate a light bar as a part of the window piece. Yet the Ford Interceptor still continues with a separate light bar. Will this become a policy?

We are making these changes on a car by car basis.

Is it me, or is the Sanitation design on the Road Sweeper very similar to the Ford Ambulance's design? I like that, as it sort of links them together and helps to build up a scenario. Is this deliberate?

Not entirely but it works for us in this case.

The only thing I am not keen on with the Ford Superlift is the fact the pipes are white. With the model being so white anyway, I feel that the pipes should have been a different colour, possibly red to help make them stand out. I think red would work as it is a part of the side design. Would you consider this?

Yes we would. Thanks for your suggestion.

That Ford Interceptor Police car with black wheels is a total mis-match.If our local police force started putting black bling wheels on their fleet of expensive German Police cars I would be camped outside the offices of the chief of police wanting to know why. Comment please?

Sorry this did not meet with your approval.

I'm from the US, but I've noticed that no Canadian emergency services agencies have ever been (officially) featured on a Matchbox model. Could Matchbox make a Toronto EMS Ford E-350 ambulance, or a British Columbia Ambulance Service Dodge Charger? I would have loved to have had this German Police Beetle shown last week if it had been released.

Could Matchbox make one using the current classic VW Beetle casting?

With regards to your question about Canadian liveries on our Matchbox emergency vehicles, you raise a good point. The brand has been somewhat remiss about adding some of these. As with replicating any real liveries however especially international ones, permission and agreements are required.

I see the Evoque has been released as a Hot Wheels model. Has the licence problem with Matchbox been resolved?

You are incorrect. Hot Wheels has never done a Range Rover Evoque.


Here at last is the new 63 Mack B fire engine as was shown at The Gathering in New Mexico last year.

Up next is the International Workstar Brush truck. It has been retooled with plastic body and die cast chassis and will be numbered MB939.

The third model for this week is a recolour of the Travel Tracker. I guess the ā€œEā€ of Tracker must have been lost on its journey!

A Little More History

Last week we looked at some of the early Volkswagen Beetles. Wolfie Ginsburg reminded me that at first the English speaking Lesney staff could not even spell Volkswagen calling it wagon by mistake.

An interesting choice for an alternative to the Beetle was the Volkswagen 1600TL which was released in August 1967. Initially it was fitted with silver hubs on black wheels but there may have been a problem in production for a decision to change to black tyres fitted to silver hubs was soon implemented. It is easy to see which version is which by a glance inside the wheels. The one shown in red was produced with a roof rack for the G-4 Race & Rally Gift Set. Though red was the standard colour, when the Superfast initiative took place in 1969 a few of the recoloured metallic purple models were still fitted with regular wheels. Most of these found their way to Canada. Possibly even stranger was the fact that a few red painted models were fitted with Superfast wheels. All of these variations are quite sort after today.

It was decided that the Superfast version should be a bright metallic colour and the metallic blue version shown was eventually rejected in favour of the metallic mauve livery which was made in several different shades.

In 1976 a new Volkswagen joined the line in the form of a Golf. For enhanced play value, the model featured a clip on roof rack with surfboards. Several versions of this model were manufactured in a variety of colour schemes and just a sample is shown here. The roof rack was not fitted to later versions.

Some models were even fitted with heavy duty large wheels and various promotionals abounded.

In 1985 a later form of the Golf, a GTi, was introduced. This included an opening bonnet to reveal a detailed engine.

In 1977 an exclusive German version was painted yellow, modified to include an aerial and advertised ADAC.

Of course when the mould for the original Golf was shipped to Bulgaria the number of colours was prolific.

Next week I will look at some of the Volkswagen vans and campers.

Nigel Cooper 21st April 2014

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