We are less than four months away from the 11th Annual Matchbox Collectors International Gathering of Friends in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is undoubtedly the premiere Matchbox event each year, and I am looking forward to attending for the seventh time. We hope many of you can come as well. Details and the registration form can be found here.
Every July, Matchbox collectors from around the world gather in New Mexico to chat, trade, buy, eat, reminisce, and sell. Collecting legend Jim Gallegos hosts the event, and it is the only Matchbox event that Mattel officially attends. The Matchbox Design and Marketing teams use the event to reveal the new models for the next year, give details on the brand strategy, and name a new collector Ambassador. And it is also the place get the designer's ear. Many a detail and tasty tidbit is shared (if you ask the right questions, of course).
Another part of the Gathering that gets collectors out in droves is the Mattel-produced exclusives. These are always the most detailed models Matchbox will produce each year, and they are highly collectible
Last year's Routemaster Bus has been especially popular with collectors, and we want to give one away to one of our Lamley friends. So why not do a little contest?
It is very simple. Send us an email at lamleygroup@gmail.com and give us your guess for what two Matchbox castings will be the exclusives this year. The first person to guess both exactly will win a green Routemaster Bus from last year's event.
The winner will be announced at the Gathering itself, and don't worry, you don't have to be in attendance to win. Jim will announce the winner, and we will then put the bus in a box and mail it to that person, wherever in the world he or she might live. Only one guess per person, and any guesses that include more than two models will be discarded.
It is that simple. Be the first to guess both models, and you win. Do you want a hint on what they are? Ok, both castings were produced between the years 2005 and 2014, and both are licensed models.
Good luck!!