I don't know of any collector who was terribly happy with what they saw in the 2014 1-120 list that was unveiled on Monday. The percentage of road cars and licensed vehicles is lower than ever, and it, at least from a collector perspective is disappointing.
Things can always change, but that is obviously up to Mattel as they figure out how the Matchbox line will perform better at the stores. But what we know, is that when Matchbox does do a licensed vehicle, or a road car, they more-times-than-not nail it.
And occasionally they like to remind us of that:
That is the brand new Exotics 5-pack. We may take slight issue with a couple of the model choices, but there is no denying each model looks great. Front and rear tampos on most, great color selections, and realistic designs. We may not be taking much off the pegs from Matchbox these days, but when we do, it is usually a fantastic-looking model.
So let's celebrate this rare moment in 2014 and do some close-ups on all five models, capping it off with a look at the best of the pack, the fantastic gold Lamborghini Miura. The Miura was one of designer Ryu Asada's favorite designs, and can be considered his signature model before leaving for Hot Wheels. We agree, and seeing it in gold was a must.