First Look: Hot Wheels Ryura LX...

If you didn't know already, the diecast designers at Mattel are a talented bunch.  Sometimes you might not personally like their output, but you can also acknowledge that it is a matter of personal taste.  Sure, they swing and miss on a few, but their ability to shrink a car down to a $1 mini version is pretty darn amazing.

But don't forget their made-from-scratch custom creations.  There are many models that strike the kid's fancy and not collectors, but there is no doubt that many basic and premium non-licensed castings like the Dairy Delivery, Fast-Bed Hauler, Mad Manga, and Blown Delivery are hits with collectors.

We don't showcase a ton of the non-licensed models here on Lamley, but we thought this next one deserves a look.  It is the Ryura LX, and that name was the first indication that we wanted to take a closer look at the model.  Why, because it contains the name of one of our favorite Mattel designers, Ryu Asada.

So we photographed the model, and asked a few people in the know about how the Ryura came about.

This is apparently Hot Wheels' foray into the luxury sedan market.  Think of VIP cars like the AMG S-Class or 7 Series BMW.  It's big, and it looks to be fast (if it were a real car).  Built from scratch by Ryu for 1:64 scale cajillionaires looking to go fast.

It does make for an interesting model, and something a little different from other non-licensed Hot Wheels cars.

What do you think?

(Find the Ryura and other models from Hot Wheels Batch G on ebay...)

Hot Wheels Ryura LX (2014 New Models):

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