First Look: Hot Wheels Lamborghini Sesto Elemento in gunmetal gray...
Yes, we have been a bit quiet today. Blame Denver. I am here for meetings, I have a ton of content to post here on the blog, but a very poor internet signal here at the Denver Sheraton has kept me from doing so.
But I have a minute between meetings, so here is a little treat. The second color of the HW Lamborghini Sesto Elemento is a little more like the photos we have seen of the real thing. And it looks great. The gunmetal gray is mean, and the red trim works well.
To be honest, I prefer the white and green. A bit more unique, and a very modern color combo. But I know there were a lot of you who didn't like it. So this should make you happy.
Hot Wheels Lamborghini Sesto Elemento (2014 New Models):