Model of the Day: Hot Wheels 2013 RLC Exclusive Honky Tonk Hot Rod, by JohnRino...
After a short hiatus, our favorite photographer, JohnRino, is back with a look at the RLC Honky Tonk Hot Rod. Look for more coming soon.
Hello my die-cast friends,
My apologies for my elusiveness, my photo setup has been collapsed and boxed away for a pending move.
But I started having camera withdrawals, and set it back up again (forgot what a pain that was). Shot photos of the Honky Tonk Hot Rod, just a unique cool little piece. The color and design is just killer cool on this, not to mention the cowboy with with with his hand gripping the outside gear selector. You know he's rounding up some big Texas steer. Every time I come across this casting, I'm proud to have it in my collection, a great acquisition!
Stop on by my store at: and thanks for swinging in at the Lamley Group.
Hot Wheels Honky Tonk Hot Rod (2013 RLC Exclusive):