We figured we would give this new Matchbox model its own post, since it doesn't fit the same theme as the three non-licensed cars that were also released in this batch.
Because it is a fire truck. A bit of a funny looking fire truck, but a fire truck. This is another model that I don't think needs too much comment from us at Lamley. We won't collect it, but this is not a collector-oriented model anyway. We will let the kids decide if this model is a success. No need for us to decide.
Plus, collectors have their Pierce Dash Fire Engine. The Pierce has been a collector fave since its debut a few years ago, and the Blaze Blaster isn't taking its place. It does look like the Blaster is loosely based on the Pierce, if the Pierce was putting out fires at a monster truck show. I don't think it would do too well in the forest, but we have the International Brush Fire Truck for that.
So here it is, along with more pics below alongside its possible inspiration.
Have at it, folks...
(Find the P case Matchbox models on ebay
Matchbox Blaze Blaster (2013 New Models):