Lamley News: New Holiday Exclusive 9-pack is out at Toys R Us, plus other finds...

This will be a quick post, as it doesn't need much in terms of write-up.  I took a quick stop at the local Toys R Us, and while there was little to get interested in, this new 9-pack was interesting:

A closeup of the exclusive:

Not much that sparks too much interest for me personally, with the exception of the Hurst Chevelle Wagon.  That model is a much have, and we still do not know if it is a multipack exclusive or in set to be released in the mainline.  Until we know I will leave these packs on the pegs.

In other finds that I actually took home, my ongoing pursuit of 2013 Boulevard brought a surprise.  In one of the Shopkos I visited, I came across this shipper:

The state it was in suggested it had been well picked-over, but it did not take long to see that it contained a few goodies.  I ended up leaving the store with these:

Not a bad day.  Anyone going to get the TRU Holiday pack?
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