Variation Alert: The multiple versions of the Hot Wheels Zamac Datsun 240Z...

Sometimes a model comes along that is a little more fun to collect than others.  I mean it is more fun if you are a variation collector.

I am, if the model is one I collect, and the Hot Wheels Datsun 240Z happens to be one I do pursue.  So while Zamac dump bins have been hitting Walmarts all over the place, I have been hunting down the tampo variations that were first reported on HWC.

I think I have them all now, so it is time to take some photos and document them.  So let's get to it...

Here is the standard 2013 Hot Wheels Datsun 240Z Zamac Walmart Exclusive:

Such a great looking model, and a recolor of the original Tom Bork 240Z in white.  At first glance, the only difference is the color of the model.  The side and hood deco is exactly the same, with the same logos and stripes.  But there are two main differences (besides the color of the interior):

One is very easy to tell.  The "Toyo Tires" logo on the hood has been changed from red to blue.  The second is in the back.  The Zamac sports no blue stripe on the spoiler like the white model does.  Everything else is the same.

So here we go.  There is a transitional variation.  A few models have appeared with exact deco of the white version, complete with the stripe on the spoiler and red "Toyo Tires" logo:

Comparison pics with the standard Zamac:

So there you go.  The Zamac 240Z comes with its standard deco and that of the white version.  Cool, eh?

Yeah, totally cool.  But it gets cooler.  There is a transition within the transition.  The red "Toyo Tires" variation has also appeared WITHOUT the blue rear spoiler.  This appears to be in far smaller numbers than the red tampo with spoiler stripe.  I didn't find one, but was lucky to get one in a trade with a HWC member with the great name "thebard":

Red tampo and no stripe:

Alright, there you have it.  Three transitional variations:

  1. With spoiler stripe and red "Toyo Tires" tampo.
  2. Without spoiler stripe and red "Toyo Tires" tampo.
  3. Without spoiler stripe and blue "Toyo Tires" tampo.
That of course would be more than enough, but Hot Wheels wasn't satisfied, so they gave us a variation with absolutely NO "Toyo Tires" tampo at all:

The no "Toyo Tires" tampo variation is the rarest of all.  I have heard of a few found, but not a lot.  Of course many collectors could have overlooked it.  So let's count that down again, from most common to rarest:

  1. No spoiler stripe, blue "Toyo Tires" tampo.  (Common)
  2. Blue spoiler stripe, red "Toyo Tires" tampo.  (Hard-to-find)
  3. No spoiler stripe, red "Toyo Tires" tampo. (Very hard-to-find)
  4. No spoiler stripe, no "Toyo Tires" tampo.  (Extremely hard-to-find)
So there you are.  A variation party.  Of course we should all be on the lookout for a possible blue hood tampo, blue spoiler stripe vari, or a grey interior vari.  They may be out there.

For now, have some fun looking for these four:

Or, of course, you can get most of them on ebay...
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