I am not the Hot Wheels historian that others are, so I will ask:
Is this the largest Treasure Hunt ever made?
It is certainly not the heaviest. The Tundra's ratio of size to weight it way off, and in fact it may be one of the lightest Treasure Hunts ever made.
While knowing whether or not this is the largest means nothing, and is frankly not that interesting, I will say that this model has grown on me since I found a couple in a dump bin last week. It is no secret we love all things Japan automotive, but big trucks like the Tundra do challenge that a bit. I am not a big fan of big trucks that are big for big's sake, and for little else. But I was happy to see the Tundra as a Super, because it does say "Toyota" on it.
And now that I have it in hand, I must say it really is nice. The real riders make this one. They are, for lack of a better term, beautiful wheels. So I will put by big truck phobia aside, celebrate the fact that another Japanese car is a Super, and add this really nice model to the collection.
(Find the Hot Wheels Toyota Tundra on ebay
Hot Wheels Toyota Tundra Pickup (2013 Super Treasure Hunt):