First Look: Hot Wheels '70 Chevelle SS in black...
Man I like this model. When we featured the first version of this model all done up Gulf-style, we wondered aloud what the inspiration was for its style. Its Japanese queues were apparent, and its designer Jun Imai hinted at some clues. Still, I haven't seen a Chevelle in real life that looks anything like this one, but that doesn't bother me one bit.
I still think this is the best-looking Chevelle Hot Wheels has ever done. And now we have the third version this year, and second with the Edelbrook design. And while I will always default to the Gulf colors as my favorite automotive combo ever, I think this black design suits the model better than any other.
At least I can compare them. The red Toys R Us exclusive was gobbled up quickly, and if it wasn't for a very nice TRU manager who went to the back room and retrieved one for me before they put the bins on the floor, I would not have one. So I am very appreciative to have all three.
Which of the three is your favorite?
I think this model has a bright future. It seems to be popular with all kinds of collectors, and I think it is safe to say we will see this as a Super TH very soon...
(Find the '70 Chevelle SS on ebay, including the hard-to-find TRU exclusive...)
Hot Wheels '70 Chevelle SS (2013 New Models recolor):