Another check-in to let you know that the curtain has been pulled on one of Lamley's most anticipated models of 2013. Felix at Daboxtoys just received the first preproduction model of the OEM Ferrari 458 GT2. When we first heard inklings that the factory was working on this one we instantly put it up in our Top 5 most anticipated models of 2013, along with the Hot Wheels Toyota 2000GT, DMC Panda Toyota 86, and a few others we can't mention at the moment.
This is the first 1:64 version of the 458 GT2, and I can't think of a better house to produce one than the OEM Factory. That means we get multiple colors, and Felix is hinting at a DMC exclusive. We hope there will be one, and maybe some of our Lamley readers can give Felix some design ideas on an exclusive...
DMC's photos are below. You can see that the standard attention to detail that OEM gives to its models is there, including the painted engine. Be sure to check in with DMC often to see when they go up for sale, and we promise to report the release date here.
In the meantime, check out previous OEM models, like the Pagani Huayra we featured this morning, at the DMC store and on ebay