Oh, What a Feeling!! week continues with our look at yet another Hot Wheels Toyota.
This time it is a model that has been hitting the pegs already, so many of you already have it in hand. The Toyota AE86 has had a nice run this year, looking dapper in its panda deco. Hot Wheels decided to go complicated on the recolor, just reversing the colors.
I will say the white doesn't have the looks of the black, but it is still nice to have. I wonder if we will see one more recolor this year. Perhaps a red and black version? Fingers crossed.
(Find the Hot Wheels AE86 on ebay
Hot Wheels Toyota AE86 (2013 Basic recolor):
Which leads us to a variation. In the batch before this one, the Zamac exclusive dump bins also had a few of the black AE86's thrown in. Among those, a very small number have appeared with the white-rimmed MC5's, instead of the standard chrome-rimmed wheels:
Not the most exciting variation ever, but if you are wheel variation collector, its on the list.
I don't have entire Hot Wheels AE86 collection, but I am happy with the loose collection so far:
2006 FTE grey
2006 FTE white
2010 5-pack
2012 Decades
2013 black/white
2013 small 5-spokes (found in gift pack)
2013 white-rimmed transitional
2013 white/black