We are going to go back a few years for today's Model of the Day...
15 years in fact. And I will be honest. I know absolutely nothing about the models from this era. Collecting was the furthest thing from my mind as was two years returned from some time overseas and was fully engaged at college. And fully engaged. I was married in late 1998.
But I have this nice-looking model for one reason. It looks quite nice next to the latest BMW E30 M3. I know that makes for a poor writeup, but maybe the introduction of this model to the collection will expand my horizons a bit. I actually hope not, because collecting the current stuff is satisfying enough.
I am a bit of a fan of the lace wheels, and I thought they were such a good choice in gold on the BMW, and I wanted something else from roughly that same era. These Mercs came to mind, so into the collection this one goes. And yes, I am very happy to see some 90's era models getting some love...
So I have nothing interesting to write. Sorry about that. At least both models make a nice German pair.
(Find the various versions of the HW 380 SEL here
Hot Wheels Mercedes-Benz 380 SEL (1998 Mainline):
And the pair: