(Before we start, remember that Matchbox Monday is sponsored by or friends at MVE Collectibles. I really do hope you are checking out their store. Many of the items, including Matchbox, Hot Wheels, Greenlight, Johnny Lightning, and M2 are very fairly priced, and many times cheaper whan what you find on ebay. Check them out here.)
I think the SUV era is over, at least for now.
But it was sure some gas-guzzling fun while it lasted. There are still plenty of SUV's on the road, just a little different than those behemoths that were all over the place 5 years ago.
In the diecast world the SUV's still are on the pegs. The Matchbox Ford Explorer is just hitting and later we will see the Range Rover Evoque. And as usual, Matchbox is the maker. If you compare the two Mattel brands, Matchbox seemed to be the SUV specialist. They came from Hot Wheels, but it seemed that the models that transported both soccer moms and self-proclaimed outdoorzies from the city came from Matchbox.
When looking at the list of SUV's that Matchbox put out in the mid- to late-2000's, there are a handful that really stand out. To me the European SUV's looked the best, so that is what I collected. Tahoes, Suburbans, Expeditions, even Navigators looked clunky next to the sleek European trucks.
Here is a look at some of my favorites:
Range Rover Sport:
While there were some elements that Matchbox missed compared to the real thing, this was one of my favorite SUV castings. The best version was the orange Superfast (pictured at the top of the page), but the last version released in black with 5-spoke wheels was pretty sleek.
Volvo XC90
The ultimate soccer mom car. Maybe that is why it didn't come off the pegs very fast. Still, this Superfast version is a great example to have.
Porsche Cayenne Turbo
This was a casting that needed the right wheels to hit its peak. And it did with the Superfast versions, all pictured here. Later it was released in a 10-pack with the large 10-spokes, which also looked nice. I just wish Matchbox had it in them to release one more with the large 5-spokes like on the black Range Rover.
Hummer H3
Ok, a full-on exception to the rule. You want my opinion on Hummers? I cannot stand them. "Hate" might be an appropriate word. They are ugly, useless, and represented the worst of 10 years ago. Does that clearly state my opinion?
Yet, for some reason this yellow version appeals. I think the blingy wheels paired with the bright yellow signify exactly what the Hummer was all about. This was a very difficult model to find, as it was only available in ROW markets, and was hard to find even there. So I am very happy to have it.
BMW X5 & X5 Police
A signature Euro SUV, and seen in Police form as recently as the 2011 Lesney line.
And for good measure, a couple of photos of the Range Rover customs. Everything is how Matchbox intended except for the wheels.
So which is your favorite? For me, I think the black Volvo takes it.
If you are looking to find some these, follow the links below:
Matchbox Range Rover Sport
Matchbox Volvo XC90
Matchbox Porsche Cayenne
Matchbox Hummer H3
Matchbox BMW X5