This model came as a bit of a surprise.
Just last week we profiled the Ferrari 458 Challenge that will be part of Batch G when it hits the pegs next month. There was a mixed reaction to the...shall we say...busy deco that the model is sporting. And while I would always prefer a Hot Wheels Ferrari to look more like one I would see on the road or the track, I can more than happily live with it. And it does add a bit of variety to the collection.
It wasn't a day or two later that a Lamley friend informed me on our Facebook page that he had found another HW 458 Italia in a "Hot Wheels Test Facility" DVD 4-pack at Target. Now I was intrigued, and sure enough I found the pack this weekend. The price for the 4-pack is $9.99, which is probably a bit steep for four models (3 of which have already been released) and a DVD. But $10 can't keep me away from another Ferrari.
Well I have properly released the model from its prison and given it a good look. And I have to say, if Mattel wants to create an over-the-top graffiti-filled racer, they have succeeded, and I really like it. The entire body is covered in deco, and it has full detailing on the front and rear. Plus, doing the racing wheels in black is a bonus. No red or blue wheels here.
So I am a fan. I am sure many of you will hate this version, but oh well. The only problem is it makes the basic model look a little too incomplete...
(Hankering for a normal version of the Ferrari 458? Find it here
Hot Wheels Ferrari 458 Italia (HWTF exclusive):
And with the basic version: