The Customs of Amm Minimonster...

The mind-boggling customs keep coming in, and we want to feature yet another talented artist.  We have come across several of Amm Minimonster's customs in the last few weeks, and several have made it into our "As is the Custom" feature.  When we saw the first images of his 240Z Funny Car, it just seemed necessary to reach out and ask if we could feature his work.

Mr. Minimonster obliged, so here are a few of his fantastic pieces:

240Z Funny Car

"The chasis is from a chevelle funny car modded to fit the 240z body.
The decal is custom also."

Fujifilm Nissan Skyline KPGC10

"Inspired by Forza racing PC game."

Astroboy Datsun 510

"Inspired by my little brother.He is the big fan of the anime.
The decal is custom."

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