Is this maybe the most obvious Tale of Two post we can do?
Hot Wheels essentially did this for us, and they make for a great photo subject. The Then & Now series is a great one, and I am glad to see it in the mainline as opposed to a special series. I haven't paid any attention to the other models in the series, and maybe none have been released. Maybe I should find that out.
Nonetheless, how great are these two? The 2010 Camaro is a great casting, and completes this set well, but takes a back seat to the '70 Camaro. The '70 Camaro continues to grow on me, and at this point, if I had to pick a favorite Camaro casting, that would be it. (ooooh, that would make a good Facebook poll.) I honestly think the debut model in 2011 in racing livery somewhat hid how great the casting is. It took the mainline and Super T-hunt versions
But that is me. I will give the '70 Camaro its proper due later (complete with photos of the Super free of its packaging), and we can focus on the great deco on both cars. Both black, both with red and orange striping, and both with chrome lipped wheels. And then both add a little era flare, and we have a winning duo...
Hot Wheels 2010 Chevy Camaro SS & '70 Camaro (2013 Mainline Then & Now):