If you have followed The Lamley Group for a few months, you know we go gaga over Matchbox event and promotional exclusives. Designated "Code 1's", these models were made by Mattel for a particular event or promotion. They are not produced very often, but when Matchbox does do one, they pull out all the stops.
We finally have another Code 1 event model released, and it is none other than the extremely popular Seagrave Fire Engine. Let the Matchbox collectors rejoice. Yet another hard-to-acquire Seagrave for them to pursue...
And if you want to pursue this model, look to Europe. This was produced for the "Modell-Hobby-Spiel" Toy Show going on this weekend in Germany. One of the show's organizers, Dirk Schleuer at Moyshop, emailed me these pics and asked that I release them as attendees are getting their models.
This model will make its way shortly across the Atlantic to the Lamley Group, and we will give it the full Lamley treatment. Until then, something to ogle over:
It will look good next to these other Seagraves released this year: