Ah, the completist in me. A rather generic version of a casting I like that I paid over $5 for because it was in a 5-pack. The key term being "casting I like". That is the trap. Mattel knows that a 5-pack with four generics might benefit from a fifth popular licensed model. Hence, the Fiesta, which previously sported Ken Block attire, jumps in, and I buy. Without it, I don't even give it a second thought.
But I am in the "more the merrier" camp, so if we get an extra model in a 5-pack, I will happily pick it up. Which I did, and here it is.
The color and the design are fine, and appropriate for this little racer, but don't compare to the Ken Block versions
Hot Wheels '12 Ford Fiesta (2012 Daredevil Racers 5-pack):
The fam: