The last "Regular" Treasure Hunt of the year, and maybe ever? I have not done all my research, but the green stripe will disappear in 2013. I don't know if that means the end of the Regular Hunt, but the Supers will continue. Frankly, no Regulars works for me. Taking those 12 models and creating a cool new subset, with Super Hunts infiltrating the line makes sense.
So I guess we will find out soon if this is the last Hunt ever. If it is, it is an appropriate model. If it is not going to be a Camaro or Mustang, it might as well be a Chevelle. Take a look at the tally for 2012:
Yes, the Chevelle beats the HW stalwarts with four different hunts this year. Why not also be the last of the year.
One other thing. Why the segmented redline on the tires? All four are like that. Is that something from the history of the Chevelle? Or just a new way of applying the stamp? Someone is bound to know.
Hot Wheels 1970 Chevelle SS Convertible (2012 Treasure Hunt):